Alcohol Rehab in Arizona Explores Why the Pandemic is Inspiring People to Stop Drinking
The COVID-19 pandemic has added layers of stress and fear to our lives in an unprecedented fashion. Since many tend to use alcohol to cope during difficult times, health practitioners were initially worried that social isolation and despondency would lead to rising levels of alcohol abuse. Indeed, at the start of the pandemic – the week ending March 21, 2020 – alcohol sales increased by 55 percent compared to the same period in 2019. [1] And a recent study from JAMA found Americans are drinking 14% more during the pandemic than they were last year. [2]
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But despite these worrisome figures, some are viewing the pandemic as a reason to cut back on their drinking or to stop using alcohol altogether. Desert Cove Recovery, an alcohol rehab facility in Arizona, explores three reasons why some people have chosen to abstain during this challenging time.
Reasons Why People Are Choosing To Drink Less During the Pandemic as Explored by Alcohol Rehab in Arizona
Whether it’s because there are fewer occasions for social interaction, they’re using the time to reflect on themselves, they’re concerned about their immune response, or they’re just up for a challenge, some people see our current situation as a reason to abstain from drinking.
1. They’re Worried About Health Conditions that Could Compromise Immune Response
Reports citing that COVID-19 attacks the immune system have made some people with underlying health conditions worry that if they don’t start taking care of themselves, they’ll risk serious infection. And excess alcohol may impair your body’s defense system, according to the journal, Alcohol Research. [3]
The connection between alcohol consumption and immune-related conditions has long been established among the medical community. But the recent observation that alcohol abuse is correlated with pulmonary and respiratory distress has caused those with pre-existing lung issues to sit up and take notice.[3] Afraid of contracting a disease that could potentially lead to hospitalization – and the possibility of having to rely on a ventilator to breathe – has led some to cut back on their alcohol intake.
2. Social Interaction is Limited Or Curtailed
Those who are not currently battling dependence on alcohol are finding it easier to drink less because there are fewer opportunities for social interaction. Since they tend to drink only when they’re out with their friends – whether it’s because it’s a form of bonding or they feel pressured to do so – time spent in isolation or quarantine has meant a declining number of occasions when alcohol is consumed.
A University College London study [4] bolstered that theory and found that Australian adults under the age of 35 reduced their drinking because they
- were not in contact with the people they see as their drinking partners
- had less access to the establishments where they typically drink
- don’t like drinking alone at home, without friends.
One American woman in her 40s admitted that she didn’t feel as much pressure to drink since so many networking events and social obligations had been canceled. [5] And since there are fewer places to consume alcohol – and more restrictions on public safety – it’s become more of a hassle to plan any kind of activity that involves drinking with others.
3. Using Isolation as an Opportunity to Improve or Challenge Themselves
With more time alone to reflect, some people view the pandemic as an opportunity to reevaluate their lives and their relationship with alcohol.
Rather than dwell on the negative impact of quarantine, these individuals have decided to push themselves to be better and to kick bad habits. They’re committed to seeking out healthier approaches to life and actively looking for growth opportunities. Others may be motivated to challenge themselves based on social movements like Sober October or Dry January. Whether they decide to take on a challenge because of social pressure or they’re simply “sober curious,” they view pandemic conditions as an opportunity rather than a threat.
Individuals who are not addicted to alcohol and who tend to drink only when they’re in social situations will find it a lot easier to commit to a self-driven plan. Those who are dependent on alcohol should not feel deflated because they need outside support. Be aware that help is available when you’re ready to accept it.
Are You Concerned About Your Drinking During the Pandemic? Alcohol Rehab in Arizona Can Help
The uncertainty surrounding the pandemic has made many feel anxious, stressed, fearful, and hopeless. Using alcohol as a coping mechanism is counterproductive and can lead to dependence on the substance.
Desert Cove Recovery can be your ally on the path to sobriety when you’re ready to get help.
We use a holistic approach to treat the mind, body, and spirit. But, we also understand that no two people experience addiction in the same way. That’s why our programs are customized to address your unique situation. We also understand how difficult it is to overcome alcohol addiction and that relapse is common. We’ll teach you how to cope without alcohol so that you can lead a healthy, sober, and joyous life.
You don’t have to suffer alone during the pandemic. Contact one of the trained addiction specialists at Desert Cove Recovery – they are caring, compassionate, and invested in your wellness. You will get through this and Desert Cove Recovery can help.
[1] Newsweek: [2] JAMA: [3] [4] [5]