Weekend Binge Drinking and Hangxiety

Weekend Binge Drinking and Hangxiety

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Are you familiar with the term “hangxiety?” The word is a combination of hangover and anxiety. A hangover happens after the acute effects of alcohol have worn off. The symptoms of a hangover, such as a headache and nausea, commonly occur after binge drinking and are the body’s physical response to being overloaded with alcohol. Hangxiety is often referred to as the emotions experienced on a Monday morning after a weekend of binge drinking. 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a psychological response to uncomfortable or seemingly dangerous situations. It is normal to feel anxious from time to time. However, some people live with anxiety disorders that leave them feeling the physical and emotional symptoms of anxiety all of the time, even when there is no apparent reason for discomfort.

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When Weekend Binge Drinking Leads to ‘Hangxiety”

Hangxiety isn’t an official medical term. It refers to the experience of having increased anxiety after the short-term effects of alcohol wear off. Alcohol temporarily eases anxiety symptoms for most people, which may make it an attractive method of reducing discomfort for those with anxiety disorders. In fact, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that about one-fifth of all people who have been diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder also have alcohol use disorder. [1]

Hangxiety comes into play when symptoms of anxiety come rushing back after drinking. People may regret the things they said or did while under the influence of alcohol, especially if they are normally shy or prone to social inhibition.

The dehydration caused by weekend binge drinking may also contribute to hangxiety. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, dehydration can contribute to negative mood changes, including feelings of anxiety. [2]

Does Weekend Binge Drinking and Hangxiety Mean You Need an Alcohol Treatment Center in Arizona?

Whether it is weekend binge drinking or occasional binging any day of the week, the behavior associated with hangxiety doesn’t automatically mean you have alcohol use disorder. The Centers for Disease Control define binge drinking as consuming five or more drinks on one occasion for men and four or more for women. [3] Binge drinking increases a person’s risk of getting injured and developing health conditions, including the increased risk of developing an alcohol addiction, as per the CDC.

Risks associated with binge drinking include:

  • Injuries due to falls, burns, and motor vehicle accidents
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Violence, including intimate partner violence, sexual assault, homicide, and suicide
  • Poor pregnancy outcomes, including stillbirth, miscarriage, and fetal alcohol syndrome
  • Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
  • Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, and stroke
  • Cancer
  • Memory and other cognitive problems

Weekend binge drinking may reduce feelings of anxiety in the short term, but it can put you at risk of experiencing worsened anxiety and several serious health problems.

What to Do If You Are Suffering from Hangxiety

Even though the name might seem funny, the feelings associated with hangxiety are not. For some people, the anxiety experienced after binge drinking can be overwhelming. Try these tips to avoid post-binging anxiety or ease the symptoms:

  • Rehydrate—consider drinking a sports drink or other form of electrolyte drink to rebalance your system.
  • Breathe—focusing on deep, calm breathing helps keep you in the moment and avoid dwelling on what you did or said while drinking.
  • Do something that requires your attention, such as cooking a new recipe or playing a game.
  • Exercise produces endorphins that help decrease anxiety naturally
  • Keep things in perspective; anxiety can make situations seem worse than they are

Speak with your doctor or mental health professional about anxiety treatment options. Once your anxiety is under control, you may not feel the desire to binge drink or rely on alcohol at all.

Signs You May Need an Alcohol Treatment Center in Arizona

If binge drinking has become a normal habit or you are suffering the consequences of binging but still don’t stop, you may develop an alcohol use disorder. Signs that weekend binge drinking is having a negative effect on your life include:

  • Taking risks, such as driving while drunk or practicing unsafe sexual behavior
  • Looking forward to Friday night, so you can “let loose.”
  • Experiencing hangxiety regularly, or it is getting worse
  • Setting drinking limits but can’t stick to them
  • You’ve experienced blackouts
  • Weekend binging negatively affects your work, family, or social life
  • Neglecting other responsibilities or opportunities in favor of weekend binging

Addiction is often defined as continuing to use a substance even though it is causing negative consequences in your life. Binge drinking that causes hangxiety or other psychological issues may not mean you have an addiction disorder, but it should be viewed as a red flag.

Desert Cove Recovery Offers Alcohol Treatment Center in Arizona if You’re Struggling with Weekend Binge Drinking

If you or someone you care about frequently complains about hangxiety, or if weekend binge drinking negatively impacts your daily life, it may be time to reach out to an alcohol treatment center in Arizona. Desert Cove Recovery provides outpatient alcohol and mental health treatment for those who are struggling with anxiety symptoms. We are a leading provider of holistic alcohol treatment in Arizona. We understand each person’s journey with addiction and recovery is unique, and our team is here to help you navigate yours. Contact us today if weekend binging is affecting your life.



[1] https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh26-2/130-135.htm

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK555956/

[3] https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/fact-sheets/binge-drinking.htm