One of the largest studies commissioned regarding substance abuse-related issues has been the Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, which was updated for the third time (NESARC-III). Findings from the survey show that Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) have increased over the past decade in the United States.
AUD is the medical diagnosis for problem drinking that causes mild to severe distress or harm. Roughly one-third of the adult population reportedly experiences and AUD at some point in their lives, but only about 20 percent seek treatment for the issue.
According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Director Geore Koob, Ph.D., “These findings underscore that alcohol problems are deeply entrenched and significantly under-treated in our society. The new data should provide further impetus for scientists, clinicians, and policy makers to bring AUD treatment into the mainstream of medical practice.”
The most recent NESARC update was highlighted in the journal JAMA Pschiatry. It was determined that almost 14 percent of adults met AUD criteria for the previous year, and just over 29 percent met AUD criteria at some time in their life.
To gather this information, surveyors had face-to-face conversations with 36,000 adults about their alcohol consumption. What these statistics also show is that someone doesn’t have to be classified as an alcoholic to need help.
If you know someone currently struggling with an alcohol abuse problem, contact us at Desert Cove Recovery today to find out how we can help get them back on track in life.